Brembo New G Sessanta

Brembo New G Sessanta Brake Caliper

Brembo Brakes announce its illuminating New G Sessanta Brake Caliper to celebrate the brand’s 60th anniversary.

In 1972, Brembo introduced their first motorcycle brake caliper. That caliper set the bar for all of Brembo’s subsequential motorcycle-specific models. Now, Brembo is celebrating sixty years in the business with the release of its latest innovative braking technology that blends the seamless line of technology and function: the Brembo New G Sessanta.

Brembo New G Sessanta
Brembo’s original motorcycle brake caliper.

The Brembo New G Sessanta is a conceptual component that retains the design elements of the original 1972 caliper, but with one major leap forward into the future of braking technology. The New G Sessanta calipers feature LED lights on the caliper body whose illumination can be customized to the personal styling of the rider and their motorcycle via a smartphone application. But most effectively, the calipers can be activated when they are operating. For example, when you apply the brakes, the LEDs on the calipers would become illuminated, say red, bringing additional awareness that you are coming to a stop.

Brembo New G Sessanta
Brembo New G Sessanta

Beyond the safety elements, in use with the app, the caliper can wirelessly transmit bike data and information, including the location of your bike in a garage or parking lot.

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