The sport of drag racing has remained a constant test of skill and mechanical might for decades. From the risky business of street racing to the straight line that begins at the base of the light tree on the track, drag racing is a culture within the culture of the global motorcycle racing community.
If you have drag raced or have attended a major drag race event on the East Coast of the United States, then the name “Miller” should ring familiar. Brothers Jason and Chris Miller ran operations for both MIROCK Drag Racing Series and the International Drag Bike League for a significant number of years. And while the Miller Brothers ran what most would call the most electrifying drag racing series on the East Coast, they didn’t own it. But that all changed at the end of 2017.
“We decided that we needed to really roll up our sleeves, and expand to multiple tracks on the east coast,” expressed Jason Miller. “We started the XDA, absorbed the IDBL, and put together a schedule of six events at three great tracks on the East Coast.”
XDA is an acronym for Xtreme Dragbike Association. According to Miller, the goal is to offer racers a competitive and professionally run East Coast drag racing series program at major event facilities that include Maryland International Raceway, Virginia Motorsports Park, and ATCO Raceway. “Our racers will compete on the best prepped surfaces in the sport for the best purses in motorcycle drag racing,” said Miller.
With a class structure that will be composed of pro, sportsman and grudge classes, the events will include plenty of opportunities for racers to go head to head against their rivals in several racing disciplines. To complement the on-track action, XDA race event weekends will also host a selection of fan-based activities such as custom bike shows, vendor midways, live music, and bikini competitions.
With plans to expand in 2019, Miller says that he and his brother are looking to add a fourth East Coast track and a seventh race weekend event on the schedule. The XDA is looking to take the drag race event weekend to the next level providing quality events for both racer and fan, alike. Support the Xtreme Dragbike Association by visiting and see how you can be a part of the next level of drag racing.
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