Featured Rider Vivienne Palmer

Featured Rider Vivienne Palmer

Featured Rider: Vivienne Palmer

Current city, state: San Diego, California.

Number of years riding:  1.5 years.

Featured Rider Vivienne Palmer

Street, strip, track or stunt:  Street. In love with the track with 10 track visits and more on the docket for 2021. Getting into mini moto now, as well. 

Your Current Bike/s: Ducati 848, Ducati Panigale V2.

Occupation: Physician Assistant, Cardiothoracic Surgery.

Favorite mod/accessories on your bike:  Leo Vince exhaust on my 848.

Featured Rider Vivienne Palmer

Favorite piece of riding gear: My Shoei X-14 helmet.

Most memorable ride: It’s a toss up between an epic Sunday session, riding a near empty East Palomar Moutain and my first track day at Chuckwalla. March of last year, it had rained earlier so most of the other riders had already packed up and gone home. They opened up the track to everyone. Riding around for over an hour I was feeling more and more comfortable. Turning into the bowl and hearing only the engine, feeling a calm settle in and being totally in the moment.

Featured Rider Vivienne Palmer

If you would like to be profiled in SBI Magazine like our Featured Rider Vivienne Palmer, please email info@sportbikesincmag.com

Images: Courtesy of Vivienne Palmer.

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