Featured Rider: Trax Starz
Current city, state: New York, New York.
Number of years riding: 13 years.
Street, strip, track or stunt: Street and track.
Your Current Bike/s: 2016 Ducati Panigale 959, 2020 Ducati Hypermotard 950 SP.
Occupation: Operations Manager.
Favorite mod/accessories on your bike: DucaBike clear clutch cover.
Favorite piece of riding gear: My AGV helmet and my Dainese D-Air suit.
Most memorable ride: My first track day at New Jersey Motorsports Park.
If you would like to be profiled in SBI Magazine like our Featured Rider Trax Starz, please email info@sportbikesincmag.com.
Images: Courtesy of Trax Starz.
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