Featured Rider: Magdalena Callie
Current city, state: San Diego, CA
Number of years riding: 3.5 years.
Street, strip, track or stunt: I am a street rider. But I recently went to Femmewalla for my first track day! I am looking forward to more track and, if stars line up, stunt riding in 2021.
Your Current Bike/s: 2018 Ducati Supersport S.
Occupation: Certified MSF Rider Coach, Actor.
Favorite mod/accessories on your bike: I love my blinged out license plate frame. But I can’t wait to get that clear clutch cover!
Favorite piece of riding gear: Arai El Craneo helmet with mirrored shield.
Most memorable ride: I’ve been on so many amazing rides. But if I had to choose just one, it would be last year’s La Rumorosa ride in Baja California. This highway is a rider’s dream come true with countless curves and beautiful mountain views. What made this ride even better was the company of great friends. And ending the ride with some delicious Mexican food!
If you would like to be profiled in SBI Magazine like our Featured Rider Magdalena Callie, please email info@sportbikesincmag.com.
Images: One Good Company, Cali Photography
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