Ida Zetterström

Featured Rider Ida Zetterström

Featured Rider: Ida Zetterström

Current city, state: Jomala, Aland Islands, Finland

Number of years riding:  Five years racing bikes. Eighteen years racing in total.

Ida Zetterström

Street, strip, track or stunt: Strip!

Your Current Bike/s: 750 horse power Suzuki Hayabusa turbo, racing in Super Street Bike.

Occupation: Electric and plumbing company store manager.

Favorite mod/accessories on your bike:  The Xona Rotor turbo.

Ida Zetterström

Favorite piece of riding gear: My helmet.

Most memorable ride:  My 6.88s pass this year. It was the second-fastest time ever in Europe. And a huge improvement on my personal best.

Ida Zetterström

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Images: Courtesy of Ida Zetterström

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