Featured Rider Trax Starz
Featured Rider: Trax Starz Current city, state: New York, New York. Number of years riding:
Featured Rider: Trax Starz Current city, state: New York, New York. Number of years riding:
Sara Dean Cole is the President of the Houston Desmo Owners Club. This is how she feels about leading a club of guys on bikes as a female president of a club
L.A.’s DJ Odom Name: DJ Odom Current city, state: Los Angeles, CA Number of years riding: 4 years.
Atlanta’s T.K. Name: T.K. City, state: Atlanta, GA Number of years riding: A whole lot for the past
SBI Magazine Featured Motorcycle Rider – The Kilacam from Coatesville, Pennsylvania. Do you want to be a featured rider in SBI?
Featured Rider: Naomi Morgan City, state: Manchester, United Kingdom. Number of years riding: 2 to 3 years. Street,
Featured Rider Amber-Leigh Erasmus AKA Chaotic Blonde hails from Auckland, New Zealand where she rides street and track.