L.A.’s DJ Odom

Name:  DJ Odom

Current city, state: Los Angeles, CA

Number of years riding: 4 years.

Street, strip, track or stunt: Street and Track.

Your Current Bike/s: 2013 Yamaha R6, 1992 Honda CBR 600 F2.

Occupation: Video Editor and Producer.

Favorite mod/accessories on your bike: I would have to say my custom paint scheme and my GPR stabilizer. 

Favorite piece of riding gear: My favorite piece of riding gear is my Alpinestars tracksuit. I feel overly safe in it. Plus it looks cool! Secondly, is my GoPro of course!

Most memorable ride: My most memorable ride is my first ride back after finding my bike after 3 days after it was stolen. It felt extremely good to get my bike back as I was very lucky. That experience changed my whole view on the worth and value of motorcycles and bike life!

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