
Featured Rider Jennifer Starkz

Featured Rider: Jennifer Starkz

Current city, state: Elizabeth, New Jersey.

Number of years riding: Half a year.

Featured Rider Jennifer Starkz

Street, strip, track or stunt: Street and track.

Your Current Bike/s: 2009 Honda CBR 600 RR.

Occupation: Hairstylist, Model, Aspiring Actress.

Favorite mod/accessories on your bike: The lettering done on my tires, done by 22 MotoWerks. It has my name, “Jennifer Starkz” and who I’m known as, “Alien Queen.”

Favorite piece of riding gear:  I love dressing comfortable so sweat pants and a hoodie is my go to, alongside my Alpinestars jacket.

Most memorable ride: My most memorable ride was my very first track day, hosted by 22 MotoWerks. I remember being so nervous because I am such a new rider, I didn’t know how I would perform alongside great riders that have been riding for years. The minute I touched that track with my bike, I fell in love and knew this was meant for me. Ever since then, it has been a passion and goal that I am currently achieving. 

Featured Rider Jennifer Starkz

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