Featured Rider: Sizqo Eunos
Current city, state: San Diego, CA
Number of years riding: I just started riding March 2020.
Street, strip, track or stunt: I love to do Canyons because it’s always unpredictable and you challenge yourself. You also go against your sense and reactions. There’s nothing like the beautiful wildlife and getting away from the city.
Your Current Bike/s: 2019 Kawasaki Z900.
Occupation: Photographer and Cook.
Favorite mod/accessories on your bike: Austin Racing Exhaust with Akrapovic Headers. I love the sound and weight reduction.
Favorite piece of riding gear: My leather jacket. It’s really kept me safe more than once.
Most memorable ride: My first canyon ride with North County Riders. I never rode a canyon and I just had my motorcycle for three weeks. It also was my first social ride especially during the Covid19 pandemic. I have been addicted to canyons ever since.
If you would like to be profiled in SBI Magazine like our Featured Rider Sizqo Eunos, please email info@sportbikesincmag.com.
Images: Josh Mac
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