Featured Rider Sage Boesen

Featured Rider Sage Boesen

Featured Rider: Sage Boesen

Current city, state: Rock Falls, Illinois

Number of years riding: 1 year.

Featured Rider Sage Boesen

Street, strip, track or stunt: Street for now but I want to move to stunt and track next season, as well!

Your Current Bike/s: 2015 Suzuki GSX-R 600.

Occupation: Accountant.

Favorite mod/accessories on your bike: I have a little toy turtle I found on the ground outside of a gas station a few years ago that’s been in every vehicle I’ve ever had since then, so I slapped some 3M adhesive on it and put him under my windscreen. Ten out of ten, my favorite accessory. I do like my M4 slip-on too, though…

Featured Rider Sage Boesen

Favorite piece of riding gear: Shoei X-14 Marquez Motegi Helmet!

Most memorable ride: My first ride is honestly my most memorable. I’d always wanted to ride but I was so afraid. I ran a dirtbike into a house when I was about 14… Oops! So when I finally took that first ride around town on my Gixxer it felt like I had climbed Mount Everest. There truly is no feeling like riding and I’m so thankful that I pushed myself to get on 2 wheels again. 

Featured Rider Sage Boesen

If you would like to be profiled in SBI Magazine like our Featured Rider Sage Boesen, please email info@sportbikesincmag.com

Images: Sage Boesen


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