Featured Rider Quiana Wesley

Featured Rider Quiana Wesley


Featured Rider: Quiana Wesley

Current city, state: Honolulu, Hawai’i.

Number of years riding: I have been riding for about four years, now.

Riding Style: So far, I have only done street riding on both sport bikes and cruisers. I love the ride of both but my main love is sport bikes.

Featured Rider Quiana Wesley

Your Current Bike/s: 2007 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R and a Harley Davidson Iron 883.

Occupation: Corporate Banking.

Favorite mod/accessories on your bike: My headlights and the retro Ninja sticker on the front fairing. It’s insignificant enough to every one else but I just swoon over them. The Vance and Hines exhaust on the Iron 883 is the highlight. You definitely hear me coming.

Featured Rider Quiana Wesley

Favorite piece of riding gear: I have a vintage Joe Rocket moto jacket that I occasionally like to wear when riding either.

Most memorable ride: Definitely the first ride I took with my dad as a biker. I grew up on the back of my dad’s Hayabusa so to ride my own bike along side him for the first time was a memory I’ll never forget.

Featured Rider Quiana Wesley

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