Featured Rider Mia Cheong

Featured Rider Mia Cheong

Featured Rider: Mia Cheong

Current city, state: San Jose, California.

Number of years riding: About 9 years, total.

Street, strip, track or stunt: Street, preferably dry, for commuting, for fun, for quick errands that end up being not so quick. Strip, only when I get a head nod from a Ninja at a stop light. Started on track. Not for me anymore. Sometimes stunt. I’ve accidentally popped wheelies off the line… Does that count?

Featured Rider Mia Cheong

Your Current Bike/s: Triumph Thruxton 1200.

Occupation: Mom. Coffee drinker. Day job that pays for all of the above and the price of 100 octane… Operations Manager.

Favorite mod/accessories on your bike: Thermos mounted to the bike frame for emergency backup coffee. Heated Grips. My specially designed and stitched seat. GP style exhaust that looks and sounds angry. 

Favorite piece of riding gear: At the moment… thermal layers. Temperature control is my nemesis. Moto backpack for commuting and safely transporting BBQ. Helmet headset… I need navigation so I don’t end up in Nevada… again. But most of all… tunes. My bike is my dance partner.

Most memorable ride: Riding in high coastal winds, with the rain falling sideways, and two hours from my destination. Fond memory… riding on Highway 1 for the first time. Born and raised on the east coast, it was a dream realized. 

Featured Rider Mia Cheong

If you would like to be profiled in SBI Magazine like our Featured Rider Mia Cheong, please email info@sportbikesincmag.com

Images: Courtesy of Mia Cheong.

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