Featured Rider: Liz LeBlanc
Current city, state: San Diego, California
Number of years riding: 6 years.
Street, strip, track or stunt: Street and track.
Your Current Bike/s: 2020 Honda CBR650R
Occupation: Marketing.
Favorite mod/accessories on your bike: Frame sliders.
Favorite piece of riding gear: TCX Smoke WP Women’s Boots.
Most memorable ride: My most memorable ride, I would argue, is a ride many motorcyclists would easily forget. Let me share with you why this particular ride is worth remembering…
It’s early morning in Texas hill country. The air is crisp and refreshing. Tallgrass every shade of yellow extends for miles, interspersed with the deep greens of oak trees. Dew is still clinging onto the blades of grass hiding away from the sun in shade. I’m here. Riding on a small hill country road with a Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R. KRT Edition. No big deal.
As I rode, I felt the air gradually change from warm to cold and back again. The air swayed in temperature because I would crest a sun-soaked hill and subsequently dip into a valley of shadow. I could truly feel the air as if it were a physical object brushing across my gear, reminding me of where I was at each exact moment.
I felt incredibly connected, alive, and aware. In that instance, I took a moment, to acknowledge the simple, yet beautiful experiences riding offers me and now, my friend, I’m sharing that moment with
If you would like to be profiled in SBI Magazine like our Featured Rider Liz LeBlanc, please email info@sportbikesincmag.com.
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