SBI Magazine Featured Motorcycle Rider Crystal from the Bay Area, California. Do you want to be a featured rider in SportBikes Inc Magazine?
Featured Rider: Crystal
Current city, state: Bay Area, California
Number of years riding: I’ve been riding for 12 years. I was a daily commuter/weekend social mountain carver for the first decade and only drove my car when it rained. I picked up long-distance moto touring during Covid in 2020.
Riding Style: Street and touring.
Your Current Bike/s: 2015 Kawasaki Ninja 300 and a 1996 Honda Dominator NX250.
Occupation: In my role in society, I am an architectural designer. I also do a bunch of other random stuff for fun: paint houses, house cleaning, work in back of house inventory, make furniture, model. I am currently unemployed and on a world motorcycling touring expedition. I am looking for sponsors to collaborate with.
Favorite piece of riding gear: I love my Two Brothers Exhaust in Black Carbon Fiber on my Ninja 300. It sounds like thunder and gives me the chills. Loud pipes save lives! It also warns the critters not to jump out and try to kill me. I also love my “Hello Kitty” figurine on the back of my bike.
Favorite piece of riding gear: I love my Scorpion EXO T520 Golden State Helmet. It looks aggressive, has a reasonable weight, has options for a Bluetooth system, has a drop-down sun visor, stylish, and I get to represent California everywhere I go.
Most memorable ride: During Covid, I picked up touring to be socially distant in my helmet on my Ninja 300 and did 3 separate big trips. I rode from California to Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, to Chicago, Illinois, and to Cabo San Lucas in Baja, Mexico. I’m currently on my big European tour and have been on the road for over a year now. My goal is to visit every country in Europe and then head to the Middle East afterwards.
If you would like to be profiled in SBI Magazine, please email
Images: Topher Hammond, Vassilis Kotrostsos.
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