Featured Rider: Eazy22
Current city, state: Nassau County, New York.
Number of years riding: Since the age of 4, so 27 years now.
Street, strip, track or stunt: Street and track.
Your Current Bike/s: “AlienHead” – 2017 S1000RR SuperBike build and “LandShark” – 2019 S1000RR in full track trim.
Occupation: Top Flight Security Guard, Owner of 22 MotoWerks.
Favorite mod/accessories on your bike: On the street bike, my favorite mod would be the carbon one-piece Ilmberger nose. On the track bike, it would have to be the shark teeth graphics by 22 MotoWerks.
Favorite piece of riding gear: My custom kangaroo race suit made by the great Salem of HistoricGP Racing Suits. A short second would be my Motegi 3 Shoei X-14 sourced from Teddy over at CrashMotoGear.
Most memorable ride: Too many to have a “most” memorable but most recently, had to be getting my knee down consistently at pace. My puck-touch was a right-hander at NYST in turn 3 which is said to be more difficult considering it’s your throttle hand side but with the right speed and lean angle, things get interesting!
Social media: Instagram
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