Dainese Phoenix

Dainese Phoenix

Dainese Phoenix opens as the flagship store in Scottsdale, Arizona, offering premium gear and custom options.


Nestled at 7101 E Thunderbird Rd, Suite 101, in Scottsdale, Dainese Phoenix furthers the brand’s brick-and-mortar journey here in the United States. The retail location offers a diverse range of products from Dainese, AGV, and TCX and features everything from leather suits and jackets to essential helmets, boots, and gloves. The Dainese Custom Works program lets you personalize your racing suits and jackets, choosing custom colors and logos.

Dainese Phoenix has a community-focused vibe that invites riders to engage, share experiences, and explore the vibrant motorsport culture that thrives in the area. It hopes to serve as a rallying point for rides, a ride destination, and a chill spot for the in between.

Dainese Phoenix

“We’re excited to open our newest store in Phoenix, a vibrant Southwestern city with a deep-rooted motorcycling culture. This location is a perfect fit for us, and we’re committed to providing riders with the highest-quality gear for safety and performance, while delivering an exceptional experience to the local community.” – Louis Ortega, Dainese North America.


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