harley davidson livewire angelle sampey world record

Angelle Sampey and the LiveWire set New World Record


Angelle Sampey rides the Harley-Davidson LiveWire electric motorcycle into the World Record Books.

With an 11.156 run in the quarter-mile and a 7.017 run in the eighth-mile, three times Pro Stock Motorcycle Champion and Harley-Davidson Screamin’ Eagle, Vance & Hines rider Angelle Sampey set a new world record for elapsed time on a stock production electric motorcycle.

On September 4th, during the Denso Spark Plugs NHRA U.S. Nationals at the Lucas Oil Raceway in Indianapolis, Sampey piloted a 2020 Harley-Davidson LiveWire into the record books, pushing the electric machine to 110.35 mph.

Angelle Sampey

“Let me tell you what’s amazing,” said Sampey. “That was the first time I rode the LiveWire.” said Sampey, “I could not wait to get it on the track. The LiveWire is so easy to ride. Just twist the throttle and go, and you really go!”


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