Motogirlvlog Marcy

Featured Rider Motogirlvlog Marcy

Featured Rider: Motogirlvlog Marcy

Current city, state: Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Number of years riding: 1 year.

Street, strip, track or stunt: Street. Looking forward to testing the track out by the end of the summer.

Your Current Bike/s: Kawasaki Ninja ZX6R.

Occupation: Medical Student.

Favorite mod/accessories on your bike: Two Brothers full system exhaust and nardo grey paint job. There is something about a Two Brothers exhaust on a Kawasaki. Like they were made for each other.

Favorite piece of riding gear: My Alpinestars Baika gloves.

Most memorable ride: Hitting the highway on a loop on a cool September night at 3 am. Alone. Nothing beats the darkness and open roads. My most enjoyable moments on my bike happen to be when I’m alone at night, it’s very soothing and therapeutic to be able to get on such an incredible bike and focus on just the road. Nothing else

Motogirlvlog Marcy

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Images: Courtesy of Motogirlvlog Marcy.

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