featured rider Monica Mosqueda

Featured Rider Monica Mosqueda


Featured Rider: Monica Mosqueda

Current city, state: San Francisco, California

Number of years riding: Two years.

featured rider Monica Mosqueda

Street, strip, track or stunt: I started off riding in the streets. But once I went to the track, I pretty much ended up with an addiction. I realized I liked riding 100 plus miles per hour consistently… Rather than being limited by the streets. 

Your Current Bike/s:
2005 Yamaha YZF-R6, 2012 Yamaha YZ85.

Occupation: Photographer.

Favorite mod/accessories on your bike: The Vortex Chain and Sprocket Acceleration Set.

Favorite piece of riding gear: My entire Dainese suit and AGV Corsa R helmet. Courtesy of my supporter, Dainese Las Vegas.

Most memorable ride: Riding the Thunderhill East track for my first time with my fiancé on my birthday in 2020. The greatest experience to start out with. Second to that would be riding track at Femmewalla 2020 in December. With all women riders, on by far the funnest track, Chuckwalla Valley Raceway.

featured rider Monica Mosqueda

If you would like to be profiled in SBI Magazine like our Featured Rider Monica Mosqueda, please email info@sportbikesincmag.com

Images: Courtesy of Monica Mosqueda

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