Featured Rider Bianca Sonia Sasaran

Featured Rider Bianca Sonia Sasaran

SBI Magazine Featured Motorcycle Rider Bianca Sonia Sasaran from Baia Mare, Romania. Do you want to be a featured rider in SportBikes Inc Magazine?

Featured Rider: Bianca Sonia Sasaran

Current city, state: Baia Mare, Romania.

Number of years riding: 1 year.

Street, strip, track or stunt: Street.

Your Current Bike/s: Street 2004 Honda CBR 600 RR.

Featured Rider Bianca Sonia Sasaran

Occupation: PhD Student and Mechanical Engineer.

Favorite mod/accessories on your bike: Puig crash bars. They saved my bike when I needed it! 

Favorite piece of riding gear: My Alpinestars Stella GP Plus R V2 riding jacket. Comfortable and safe! 

Most memorable ride: The first ride with my actual bike, which was also my first one. I bought the bike way before I got my license so I couldn’t wait to finally ride it.

Featured Rider Bianca Sonia Sasaran

If you would like to be profiled in SBI Magazine please email info@sportbikesincmag.com


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