Featured Rider: Al Gregory
Current city, state: Pottstown, PA
Number of years riding: 17 years.
Street, strip, track or stunt: My preferred playground of choice is the track. But I have been known to frequent the streets from time to time.
Your Current Bike/s: 2016 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R, 2014 Harley-Davidson Sportster 883.
Occupation: Machine Operator.
Favorite mod/accessories on your bike: Although the “rider” mod is my favorite mod. I’m gonna have to say the Motion Pro Rev2 Quick Turn Throttle kit takes the prize. At a slight twist of the wrist, the throttle blades are wide open.
Favorite piece of riding gear: My Alpinestars one piece has saved my butt literally and figuratively.
Most memorable ride: The memorial ride out in 2016 for Sheed (Rasheed Spencer). It was a last-minute ride organized by fellow riders to show love to a fallen rider. The turnout was phenomenal.
If you would like to be profiled in SBI Magazine like our Featured Rider Al Gregory, please email info@sportbikesincmag.com.
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