Cardo Systems - Mental Health Campaign

Cardo Systems Mental Health Campaign

Cardo Systems’ campaign “Your Ride. Your Recharge.” highlights motorcycling’s mental health benefits and supports veterans through donations to the Motorcycle Relief Project for PTSD assistance.

In a world where the pressures of just breathing can often feel overwhelming, Cardo Systems is stepping up to remind motorcyclists of the mental health benefits that riding can provide. With the launch of the Cardo Systems mental health campaign “Your Ride. Your Recharge.” they are spotlighting the importance of both emotional well-being and staying connected while on the road.

The campaign champions the idea that riding is an essential part of self-care. A recent global survey highlighted that 56% of Cardo users perceive improved mental well-being as a core benefit of motorcycling. Throttle therapy is real!

Not only talking the talk but walking the walk, Cardo is supporting the Motorcycle Relief Project (MRP), a nonprofit focused on aiding veterans and first responders coping with PTSD and stress through therapeutic motorcycle adventures. Cardo is donating $10,000 along with 10 PACKTALK EDGE devices to enhance communication for MRP’s volunteer efforts.

Dan Emodi, Cardo’s Chief Marketing Officer, emphasizes a key aspect of this campaign: “We all know how important it is to keep our Cardo devices charged to maximize battery life, but many of us forget to do the same for ourselves.” This echoes deeply, highlighting an often-overlooked necessity—taking time to check in on our mental states and emotional health, just as we monitor our tech.

The MRP creates a nurturing environment where participants can connect with peers who share similar experiences, allowing them to manage stress and overcome trauma effectively. “Motorcycle Relief Project relies on effective communication during Relief Rides, which is why we choose Cardo devices,” stated Mike Bobbitt, President of MRP.

The Cardo Systems Mental Health Campaign is a significant milestone for riders as it brings to light the relationship between riding and mental wellness while encouraging motorcyclists to prioritize their emotional health as we enjoy the open road.

Cardo Systems - Mental Health Campaign

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